My Favorite Superhero Quote
It seems like everyone has a different opinion about the superhero genre. Some people love it, some people hate it, and some people are just plain oversaturated with it all...
What I love about the genre can be summed up with a quote by Les Daniels.
He was talking about Superman, and it comes from his comprehensive book - Superman: The Complete History. The quote reads: "It's a bizarre story, about a strange visitor from another world, but at its heart it's a very human story too, about the dream of having power, and the hope of knowing love."
Though Daniels was talking about Superman, I believe this quote (Minus the "strange visitor" part) can be applied to most superheroes past and present. The most important element of the quote is at the end, "...The dream of having power, and the hope of knowing love."
To me, that pretty much sums up what the best of this genre is all about.
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